Dec 12, 2017

Studio #8 - Who has time for a studio?

The early 90s: fly fishing and camping in summers, skiing and snow play in winter. I stashed the studio in the garage, thinking I was taking some production time off. This only worked for about two weeks. Soon the guest room bed was covered with art materials and the drawing board squeezed into the tiny space by the window.

A less significant studio, but the one Sampson’s 9 year old daughter, Danielle, after a week of playing with beads and fimo dough, dubbed forevermore Camp Ginna.

Faces painted and birthday cakes made for my brother, Jess and niece, Kelly: A German Chocolate cake for him, a Faerie Land cake for he.

Tea and scones with Sampson in Glastonbury. I can see thoughts of flour, sugar and butter in those eyes, can't you? These scones may have been the beginning of a journey into the world of baking, where art studios blurred with kitchens and food became the primary artistic expression.


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