Then I discovered all kinds of interesting things about Sharon: labyrinth walker, healer, teacher, writer, public speaker.
She told me she wrote a book, so I ordered it and, after I read A Curious Quest for Absolute Truth, my respect for this woman grew. Not only was she funny, but she could write, and express deeply felt things.

Not only that, Lucky Valley Press (David & Ginna) helped Sharon re-publish A Curious Quest for Absolute Truth, as well as the Great Silent Grandmother Gathering and, my favorite, Eleanor Bobbin.
One morning, over coffee at the Good Bean in Jacksonville, Sharon asked if she could read this little manuscript to me. "It'll only take a few minutes," she said
I love to be read to. And she's so funny. And, Eleanor Bobbin really does have the potential to save the world.

"As this book goes to print, the world is once again in chaos. Rancor and retribution rule the day. Greed, fear and demagoguery have been crowned Kings of All That Is.
"And yet... and yet... hidden beneath the helplessness there is a glimmer of light. So faint it can be seen only in the darkest of dark night.
"If this tiny flicker had a name, it might be called forgiveness, compassion, kindness or love. Such little words. But the one thing I know for sure is that they can create miracles. They can make the impossible possible. They can heal lives. And sometimes, whole communities. Just ask Eleanor Bobbin."
If you're looking for a book to send to all your friends
around the world to remind them, Eleanor Bobbin is it.
Buy all three books. The ride inside the mind of Sharon Mehdi
is worth it. She should be President.
Love, Ginna
P.S. Eleanor Bobbin kindly includes an uplifting Apple Dumpling recipe.
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